OFF THE CUFF With Stacy Roberts, Author of Children’s Book Titled BOOMER, BE NICE!

OFF THE CUFF With Stacy Roberts, Author of Children’s Book Titled BOOMER, BE NICE!

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Author Stacy Roberts, 2015 SC Book Festival

I met an amazingly friendly author at the 2015 South Carolina Book Festival, and her name is Stacy Roberts.  She’s the author of a children’s book titled Boomer, Be Nice which has a vibrant book cover along with a line of T-Shirts for added flair.

Stacy agreed to an OFF THE CUFF with me about her very first book publication in which she revealed what it is all about.

Stacy Roberts book titled Boomer Be Nice“Stacy Roberts: “It’s a book based on our dogs to bring awareness to bullying with children. I wrote it some years ago actually, and I was finally able to get it published on February 28th, but I know that I was bullied in school.  I probably bullied people in school. It’s a huge issue right now.  I believe in helping children instead of trying to fix adults, and so if we can instill this lesson in kids at a young age…also it’s a great story to promote reading but also to teach a lesson…I think that’s a really good idea.”

“Boomer is the title character who’s a good person who just does bad things.  Like a lot of kids, that doesn’t mean they’re bad, they just do bad things.”

As I spoke with her, I noticed the Boomer, Be Nice t-shirts, and just had to ask about them because they were too precious.  I found out that not only does the book provide teachable moments for children, but the shirts provide that fashion that make the children proud to show it off!

Stacy Roberts: “When we did the book launch in February, people asked, “Do you have any T-Shirts?”, so we had some printed and they really took off …because the kids, when they take their books to school, they like to have a T-Shirt, too.”

Read Boomer, Be Nice today!

One Saturday morning, Boomer Bulldog bullies his friends at the neighborhood playground. When he finds himself sad and alone, he learns a valuable lesson about being nice to others. Follow Boomer and his friends in this story of bullying, the importance of being polite, and the power of forgiveness. — via Amazon

Find out more about author Stacy Roberts at Tandem Light Press on her bio page where you can also view the Boomer, Be Nice trailer.

As for myself, I enjoyed meeting and speaking with both her and her husband at the 2015 SC Book Festival, and I hope to meet up with this pleasant, down to earth couple again sometime.  Of course, an USie was necessary!

Mirika Mayo Cornelius (left), Stacy Roberts

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